

Living the Eucharist Living the Eucharist is a parish-based renewal experience to foster spiritual growth and discipleship through full, conscious, and active participation in the Eucharist.
Journey-Graphic-Final-02 The Journey enables parishioners and their friends to refresh and renew their intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Sent to Serve draws on Scripture, Church teaching, and parishioners’ own experience of Jesus to create connected small group communities within your parish. These small groups are then “on fire” with the Spirit to evangelize and grow the community within the context of the larger parish.
Awakening Faith Logo Awakening Faith helps Catholics who are inactive, alienated or disconnected in some way to explore Catholic faith issues in a conversational setting.
Catholics Reaching Out is a resource that gives parishes and parishioners the tools to become more committed to inviting.
Paulist-Logo3-r2b Neighbors Reaching Neighbors enables parishes to effectively reach out to the “unchurched” in their community.
Catholic Discipleship and Beyond the Pews together serve as a guide to understanding the fundamental dimensions of what it means to be a disciple in today’s world and the ways in which our experiences of parish life and worship call us to invite others.
Four Books The Faith Series booklets are resources for small group faith-sharing which allow Catholics to explore their faith and grow spiritually.
  The Catholic Discipleship Profile  is a resource that provides in-depth and personalized insights about your life in Christ. The CDP gets right to the heart of how you live as a Catholic.


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