The Neighbors Reaching Neighbors program develops a friendly, socially-aware perspective of Catholic believers inviting others in a caring and non-threatening way.
Whether it’s recruiting children for religious education, reaching out in a new development, inviting Catholics to reconnect with their faith, or letting people know about the start of the RCIA – Neighbors Reaching Neighbors will provide the resources you need to help your evangelization efforts succeed!
The Full Parish Kit includes one of each of the following:
- Pocket Folder with samples of: postcard, business card, flyers, posters, invitation card, letters, bulletin announcements, press release, gift bookmark, door hanger bag
- Mini-Booklets
- Faith Outreach Brochures
- Parish Manual
- Template CD (includes templates in English and Spanish)
- DVD (Disc 1: An Intro to the Catholic People, Disc 2: Catholics Giving Witness)
- Prayer Book

Sample Parish Stationary